We hope you enjoy visiting our community. Below are some links to area attractions.
Below are some links to Marshall County websites. Marysville is the county seat of Marshall County.
Marysville Advocate (newspaper)
Axtell Kansas Community Website
Beattie Kansas (Legends of Kansas website)
Oketo Kansas (Legends of Kansas website)
Marshall County Kansas Travel & Tourism
Pony Express Barn in Marysville (National Park Service website)
Below are some links to Pawnee County websites that may be of interest to people visiting our area.
The Pawnee Republican (newspaper)
SchillingBridge Winery & Microbrewery (in Pawnee City)
Harold Lloyd Home (Burchard Nebraska)
Other websites for attractions not in either Marshall or Pawnee County
Flint Hills Discovery Center (Manhattan Kansas)
Hollenberg Station (National Park Service website)
Other websites focus on statewide travel and regional information.