Morel Mushroom Hunting Season
In the Summerfield area, morel season begins in early April and extends into mid May. For the beginning mushroom hunter, morels are among the easiest to find and identify of the hundreds of wild mushrooms growing in our area.
Like all wild mushrooms, morels require specific conditions of temperature and moisture to grow. Some springs are good for morels, others poor. Morels grow best in warm, wet, and humid conditions. They favor timber over pastures and can be particularly numerous in recently burned areas.
Many mushrooms are poisonous so never eat any mushroom if you are not 100% sure it is safe to eat.
Probably the easiest way to prepare morels is to coat them in flour and pan fry them in bacon grease.
Please get permission to hunt mushrooms on private property. Burchard Lake and Pawnee Prairie are both good locations for mushroom hunting. Since mushroom season coincides with tick season, be sure to prepare accordingly.
Morel Mushroom